Saturday, December 20, 2014

Interruptions. Ain't No Interruption like a . . .

I’ve reflected already about interruptions here.

Last Tuesday I shared with my small group that the Lord has been calling me to welcome interruptions. Later that week I would have my chance. 

Ain't no interruption like the norovirus interruption
cause the norovirus interruption don't stop

The five year old woke up puking each night from Friday-Monday. He puked a good chunk *pun* of the time during the day, too. 

We spent most of these days bleaching anything and everything. 
   We did laundry. (20+ loads. At $2/load, we counted.) 
   We made several trips to the store for some sick stuff. (bleach, gloves, soup, crackers . . . ) 
   We set a timer to remind the boy to drink every 10 minutes. 
   We started and restarted Curious George, Thomas and Friends, Charlie Brown's Christmas, etc. etc. etc. 
   We washed our hands raw. 
   We slept off the norovirus which had incubated in our own tummies. 

Oh yeah, and we have a really busy 2 year old who felt great. He really wanted to play with his sick best-friend. (The bug finally caught him, too. He's sleeping it off as I write.)

Oh yeah, we have a nursing baby. 

- - - - - - -

The Kingdom interrupts our normal lives and guides us into a new normal. 
   This new normal is the space where we tend to the presence of God among us. 
   This new normal is where we tend to one another … in our vomit––whether literal or not. 
   Because when our filth is on our faces and clothes is when the good news is most profound. 

But we have to prepare a way. We must be ready to welcome the Kingdom as it breaks through our normal. 

It is yet to be seen whether the norovirus-interruption will also interrupt our Christmas travel; we leave Chicagoland in five days. If so, we'll have another opportunity to welcome the interruption as a chance for the Kingdom to draw near. 

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